(WTAJ) — National Be Someone Day takes place every July 21 to help encourage adults to be aware of child abuse and to help bring in a future where every child can have a happy and dignified childhood.

It’s estimated that at least 1 in 7 children in the US has experienced child abuse and/or neglect in the past year, according to the CDC. 1 in 10 children will experience sexual abuse before they’re 18.

On July 21, adults are encouraged to take some time to make a difference in a child’s life by committing to reporting child abuse. The day was founded by Project Harmony to not only end child abuse but to bring communities together through education and awareness.

Project Harmony is a national non-profit agency that specializes in teaching, training, and awareness against child abuse of all types.


  • Neglect is the most common form of child abuse, followed by physical abuse, sexual abuse, and psychological abuse.
  • In 2018, about 16% of children who were abused experienced more than one kind of maltreatment.
  • Boys and girls experience similar rates of childhood abuse (48.6% and 51% respectively).
  • Rates of child abuse and neglect are 5 times higher for children in families with low socio-economic status compared to children in families with higher socio-economic status.
  • Children younger than one year old are the most vulnerable to maltreatment, accounting for almost half of child fatalities from abuse in 2018.
  • Children who experienced any form of violence in childhood have a 13% greater likelihood of not graduating from high school.
  • Adult survivors of childhood abuse are more likely to experience mental health difficulties, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, eating disorders, and substance use disorders.
  • Adult survivors of childhood abuse are more likely to engage in high-risk behaviors like smoking, alcohol and drug use, and unsafe sex.


MAKE THE PLEDGE: Observe the day by taking the Project Harmony Be Someone Pledge. The pledge tells you about the five ways that can help end child abuse and become an adult that children feel safe to confide in.

DONATE TO THE CAUSE: Project Harmony is a non-profit organization that specializes in teaching, training, and helping to bring awareness to the signs of child abuse. Offering a monthly, or one-time donation and/or just volunteering however you can, could make a huge difference in this ongoing fight against child abuse.

“By supporting Project Harmony, you are helping provide a place where children can use their voice without fear.”

Project Harmony website

POST TO SOCIAL MEDIA: A great way to raise awareness is social media. Be it Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, etc… You can observe the day by sharing stats, helpline numbers, and other information related to child abuse on your social media profile. Use the hashtag #NationalBeSomeoneDay for a wider reach.

For more information on National Be Someone Day, as well as resources and safety tips for things like sleeping over and trick-or-treating and everything in between, you can visit Project Harmony online by clicking here.